Why Is My Washing Machine Vibrating?

Published on: 22/09/2022 Author: Yara

Is your washing machine shaking, rattling, and rolling during its spin cycle? While a bit of movement is normal, excessive vibrations can be a cause for concern. 

In this article, we'll explore why your washing machine might be vibrating excessively and provide tips to reduce unwanted movement and noise.

We recommend investigating the issue without delay, so that you can rule out a serious issue with your machine. Plus eliminate future sound disturbance from your home.

How Much Should A Washing Machine Vibrate?

It’s good to note that a small amount of vibration or shaking with any washing machine is to be expected, especially during spin cycles. That said, a washing machine should never bang, jump or attempt to ‘walk’ across your kitchen.

As a washing machine owner, you will likely get familiar with the noises which are normal for your machine. Unusually loud bangs, vibrations or shakes definitely warrant investigation. 

Potential Causes Of Washing Machine Vibration

''How to stop vibration from washing machine'' is a commonly searched for question, so rest assured it’s not just you!  

Stopping or at least reducing the noise involves figuring out which scenario applies to your machine

  • Uneven load distribution
  • Uneven supporting surface
  • Overloading of the machine
  • Damaged drum
  • Plumbing issues
  • Shipping bolts or brackets left in place 
  • A lack of machine maintenance

From there, the following tips can help you identify and fix the cause. 

Avoid Overloading

Overloading your washing machine can lead to increased vibrations and noise. Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations for load capacity, and resist the temptation to stuff too many clothes into a single cycle. Smaller, more frequent loads may be necessary to prevent excessive vibrations.

Levelling Your Washing Machine

The movements of a washing machine are significantly reduced when it's properly levelled. Use a levelling tool to check if your appliance is sitting on a flat surface. Adjust the feet of the washing machine until it is stable and doesn't wobble.

If your floor doesn’t offer a perfectly level surface, this is yet another reason to opt for a built-in cupboard for your washer and dryer. Our Original 2.2 also boasts vibration-absorbing properties. 

Regular Maintenance

Routine maintenance can help keep your washing machine in optimal condition. Check for loose or damaged parts and tighten any loose bolts or screws. Inspect the hoses for any signs of wear and tear, as leaks can also contribute to unwanted movement.

Place The Dryer On Top

If you have a dryer placed directly on top of your washing machine, ensure it's securely positioned. The weight of the dryer can exacerbate vibrations if not properly balanced. 

Make sure both appliances are level and securely connected to prevent unwanted movement.

The Washtower Slimline 3.2 allows you to neatly stack your dryer on top of your washing machine, and also has excellent ergonomics for ease of use. 

Washer Cabinet Solutions

When planning your utility room or laundry area:

✓ Take into account the space and flooring. Ensure that the floor is strong enough to support the combined weight of the washing machine and dryer.

✓Consider placing anti-vibration pads or mats beneath the appliances to absorb shocks and reduce noise.

You may also want to invest in a cabinet for your washing machine. For example, Washtower’s cabinets are designed to dampen vibrations and reduce noise, making them a perfect addition to your utility room.

Crucially, they come with TÜV certification ensuring that they meet safety and quality standards.

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